There are several things that determine what makes a university capable of producing quality graduates. One is the quality of its programmes. Another is a highly qualified academic staff, as well as competent administrative, technical and support staff. A third one is the high quality andimpact of the research and extension work undertaken at the university. In all these three areas, Egerton University is well endowed.

Read Time: 3 mins
A good number of years ago, in 1973, I received agood number of years ago, in 1973, I received abursary from the Aga Khan Department of Education (Tanzania) to study Dairy Technology at Egerton College, as it was then known. I recall trackingfrom Moshi to Nakuru with Naushad Jan Mohamed, who hadalso received a bursary to studyAgricultural Engineering and would thusbe my college mate.
Read Time: 6 mins
At Egerton University, we are always eager to hear incredible stories of how our Alumni are transforming lives in their different professions. Recently, the Egerton University Alumni Relations Office spoke to Lr Buoga Jared Omondi who agreed to share with us his amazing journey.
Read Time: 8 mins

Egerton University has for many years made a  mark in society through its continuous transformation of the lives of students who pass through it in ways surpassing human understanding. Our students set the pace in Kenya and the world over as having impeccable values, character, and exemplary professional capabilities.

Read Time: 3 mins
Greetings to the Alumni at the Forty-First Graduation Ceremeony of Egerton University! Congratulations on the hardwork you have done. You have beengiven the tools; now put them to work.
Read Time: 7 mins
Dr. Purity Ngina first rose to fame when she became the youngest Ph.D. holder in Biomathematics that she attained at Strathmore University in 2018 at the age of 28. She had three publications to her name and she mainly published papers on HIV/AIDS as she felt that it had affected many people in society. 
Read Time: 2 mins
My early years bring for memories of the hard struggle my parents wagedto provide a living for our family. Welived in the village of Makuyuni, a tinystation on the railway line from Tanga toMoshi, and our sole possession was asmall duka. We had no electricity, norunning water, and we had to contendwith a hole dug in the ground for a toilet.Our house provided no protection fromthe heat wave, which caused such aserious infection in my eye that I nearlylost my sight.
Read Time: 5 mins
"My name is Rachael Ngina. In 2018-2019, I got an internship in Israel, Arava Desert. I was so surprised to see the Israelis producing food and even exporting their excess food, yet their land is too dry. Actually not even the wild shrubs survive because of the hot climate, they even import soil. My first weeks were so bad, it felt like being roasted and I frequently had headaches.
Read Time: 2 mins

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