Some of our Prominent Alumni

General Francis Omondi Ogolla EGH EBS HSC ‘ndc’ (K) ‘psc’ (FRA) Chief of the Defence Forces from April 2023 to April 2024
General Francis Ogolla graduated with a Diploma in International Studies and Military Science from Egerton University.
General Francis Ogolla graduated with a Diploma in International Studies and Military Science from Egerton University.

Chairperson, Council of Governors, Governor Kirinyaga County. Graduated from Egerton University with a bachelor's degree in agriculture and home economics.

Professor of Animal Breeding and Genomics, and Former DVC-AA, Egerton University. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Production in 1992, and a Master of Science degree in Animal Production in 1995

Former Governor, West Pokot County. Graduated from Egerton with a Bachelor of Education (Science) degree in 1991 and a master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics in 1994

Director, Division for Africa, Technical Cooperation Department, IAEA. Also served as DVC (R&E) at Egerton University (2002 - 2007). Graduated from Egerton with a Diploma in Animal Husbandry in 1987. Read more...

Chairman of Council, Maseno University. Graduated from Egerton University with a Diploma in Animal Husbandry in 1963.

Managing director of the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS). Graduated from Egerton University in 1992 with a BSC in Horticulture (1st Class Honours). Read More...

Assistant Professor of Human Resources at the College of Business, Tennessee State University, USA. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor degree in Sociology and History in 2001

Professor of Plant Physiology, Egerton University. He was the DVC (A&F) 2006-2011, Egerton University. Graduated from Egerton with a Diploma in Agricultural Education in 1969.

Director Tegemeo, Professor of Plant Physiology, Egerton University and chairman of Council of South Easter Kenya University. Graduated from Egerton University with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Agricultural Economics in 2000

Project Assistant Professor, Graduate Program in Sustainability Science-Global Leadership Initiative (GPSS-GLI),University of Tokyo, Project Coordinator, United Nations University-Institute .. . Read more....

Former Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury & Planning. Graduated from Egerton University with Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Sociology in 1991

Prime Minister of Tanzania (1995 - 2005). Graduated from Egerton with a diploma in Agricultural Engineering in 1972

Governor, Embu County.. Graduated from Egerton with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and sociology in 1996

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Mining and a former Governor, Kwale County. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelors degree in Agri-Business Management in 1996

Nominated Member of Parliament. She Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Home Economics in 1993

Former Nominated Senator. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelors of Arts In Economics And Sociology.

Simon Kabu - Founder and CEO Bonfire Adventures. Graduated from Egerton University with a BA in Economics and Statistics

Bi-lingual TV Reporter at Nation Media Group (NTV). Graduated from Egerton University with Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Media in 2015

Delivery Director, President's Delivery Unit Kenya. Graduated from Egerton University with Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Management in 2007.

CAS in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Cooperatives in the national government. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biomedical Science and Technology in 2007

Former Consulting Editor, Nation Media Group. Graduated from Egerton University with with Bachelor of Arts Degree

Senior Assistant Director of Agriculture / Agricultural Economist. Graduated from Egerton University with a bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture and Home Economics in 1978

Group Managing Director, Kenlloyd Logistics Group, Kampala, Uganda. Graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry in 1999

Hon. Dr. Hillary Barchok
Governor,Bomet County. He graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Education (Science Education) in and a Masters of Education (Science Education)

Hon. Joshua Irungu
Governor Laikipia County

Hon. KathuriMurungi
Senator, Meru County & Deputy Speaker of Senate. He graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Natural Resource Management in 1998.

Hon. Prof. Phyllis Bartoo
Member of National Assembly, Moiben Constituency

Hon. Dr. Lilian Gogo
Member of National Assembly, Rangwe Constituency. She graduated from Egerton University a Bachelors Degree in Dairy Science and Technology in 1996 and a Masters Degree in Food Science and Technology in 2004.

Hon. Abdi Ali Abdi
Member of National Assembly, Ijara Constituency. He graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Commerce (Management Science) in 2010.

Hon. Peter Kalerwa Salasya
Member of National Assembly, Mumias East Constituency. He graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Commerce, Banking and Finance in 2014.

Hon. Samuel Atandi
Member of National Assembly, AlegoUsonga Constituency. He graduated from Egerton University with a a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2005.

Hon. David Kiplagat
Member of National Assembly, Soy Constituency. He graduated from Egerton University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2003.

Mr. Samuel Kirubi
Group Operations Chief, Equity Bank

Dr. Chris Kiptoo
Principal Secretary, National Treasury, Republic of Kenya

Joe Ageyo
Group Editorial Director, Nation Media Group