Egerton University Alumni Association Reflects on Achievements and Plans for the Future

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, the Alumni Association of Egerton University convened for a pivotal reflection session aimed at enhancing member welfare and assessing its strategic plan and budget. Chaired by Dr. Richard Rop, the meeting spotlighted the association's remarkable achievements and outlined plans for future growth.

A significant milestone highlighted during the session was the successful establishment of five regional chapters: Mombasa, Nairobi, Nakuru, South Nyanza, and Western Kenya. Dr. Rop emphasized the importance of making these chapters vibrant through tailored programs that directly benefit members in their respective regions, coupled with vigorous membership drives.

In attendance was Prof. Paul Kimurto, Director of Marketing and Resource Mobilization, who reaffirmed the university's commitment to supporting the Alumni Association. He stressed the necessity of aligning the association's strategies with the university calendar and strategic plan to foster a shared vision.

The meeting also welcomed Dr. Japheth Muthamia, Dean of Students, to strengthen synergies between the alumni body and current students. Notably, the association is actively supporting a feeding program for select needy students, especially during examination periods. Discussions centered on the need for additional partners to ensure the program's sustainability and reduce reliance on new member registration fees.

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Egerton University Alumni Association

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