P.O Box 536-20115
Egerton Kenya

Egerton University Alumni Association is pleased to announce Masters Research Grants for the 2023/2024 academic year for Egerton University Registered Masters students in all academic fields.
The following Masters students are eligible to apply for EUAA Masters Research Grants:
- Must be a Kenyan Citizen by the time of application
- Should have studied in Egerton University for their first degree and graduated within the last five years
- The applicant must have acquired a 2nd Class Honors Upper Division or above
- Must be undertaking their Masters Programme in Egerton University and successfully defended their proposal. Must provide Evidence of approval of Proposal by Graduate School
- The applicant should have updated their EUAA membership
- Written application should be addressed to the Secretary Egerton University Alumni Association through the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Hard copies may also be submitted through Egerton Alumni Relations Office located within Egerton University Main Campus Njoro
- The applicant should enclose the following document: detailed curriculum vitae; undergraduate transcripts and certificate; Letter of admission to the Masters programme; Masters transcripts; Two letters of recommendation ( from the supervisor and the Chair of the relevant Department).
- The application should reach the Office on or before 6thSeptember, 2024
For more information visit Egerton Alumni Assocaition Relations Office or write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.